
Pine Hills Country Club is a private, member-owned club. In keeping with tradition, membership requires sponsorship by an existing member and subject to the normal membership process. 

To learn about this process, please e-mail our general manager, 

Ted Osmundson, at tosmundson@pinehillscc.com 

Regular Golf

Includes use of golf course and all facilities for the entire family with voting rights.


Includes use of pool and clubhouse facilities with no voting rights. 


Includes use of the clubhouse facilities with no voting rights.

Non-Resident Golf

Includes use of golf course and all facilities for members living beyond adjoining counties; membership includes voting rights.

National Golf

Memberships available on a limited basis for those who live more than 100 miles from the Club with no voting rights.

For more information or questions, please contact:

Ted Osmundson

(920) 458-3533 ext. 5


Click here for a membership application

Pine Hills Country Club   |   4914 Superior Ave Sheboygan, WI 53083-3437   |      instagram